Transforming Heritage into Virtual Experiences

Watch how Opossum Studios Virtual Builders brings history and heritage to life through 3D digitization and Virtual Reality.

Insights from the Field:

Explore the Technology, Innovation, and Expertise Behind Our Transformative Projects


5GNaCAR: Network-as-Code

5GNaCAR: Transforming Network Applications with Network-as-Code Capabilities Introduction to 5GNaCAR The 5GNaCAR project, an ambitious…

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Our Services

These are our services at Opossum Studios Virtual Builders. Tailored to preserve and innovate heritage, we utilize advanced technology to bring history to life. Explore our offerings to find the perfect solution for your needs.

Lidar Scanning

Utilizing Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) technology, we provide precise and comprehensive 3D mapping of heritage sites and objects. Ideal for complex environments, our Lidar scanning service captures every detail with accuracy and efficiency.

Virtual Reality

Step into history with our Virtual Reality service. We create immersive and interactive experiences that allow users to explore and engage with heritage sites and objects in a way never before possible. Discover history through a new dimension.


Our photogrammetry service transforms standard photographs into stunning 3D models. By applying advanced algorithms, we recreate the texture, shape, and appearance of objects, preserving the authenticity of your heritage elements.


Benefit from our years of expertise in digital heritage preservation. We offer consultancy services to guide you through the process of selecting the best technologies and strategies for your unique project. Our insights ensure success in your digitalization journey.

Our Amazing Clients:

Meet the team

The talent driving our success

class Opossum:
    def __init__(self):
        self.CEO = "José Gabriel Ruiz Gonzálvez"
        self.VFX = "Alba Carvajal Migallón"
        self.universityDoctor = "Leticia Crespillo Marí"

    def who_we_are(self):
        introduction = "Well, folks... meet the crew!"
        CEO_description = f"Here at Opossum, where the past blossoms into a digital feast, you'll find {self.CEO}, our CEO and maestro. With the grace of a ballroom dancer and the precision of a metronome, {self.CEO} spins heritage into a digital crescendo."
        doctor_description = f"And let's not forget about {self.universityDoctor}, the university doctor whose smarts we can't deny. She's a global whiz kid, and although she operates in a knowledge stratosphere so high, we sometimes wonder if she's actually an AI!"
        conclusion = "But fear not! This dynamic duo of brilliance and banter will make your heritage quest the absolute best. While José Gabriel cracks jokes and makes the occasional wacky request, it's Leticia's intellectual prowess that truly passes the test. Welcome to our digital playground, where the past and future are profoundly and inseparably bound."
        return f"{introduction}\n\n{CEO_description}\n\n{doctor_description}\n\n{conclusion}"

def init (mail)
    mail =

# Example usage:
opossum = Opossum()
jose gabriel ruiz gonzalvez
J. Gabriel Ruiz Gonzálvez


Alba Carvajal Migallón

Visual Effects Artist

Leticia Crespillo Marí
Leticia Crespillo Marí